Weird photos on my blog

Over the next day or two you may see some weird photos pop up on my blog without any subject or explanation. I am testing the integration of my blog with Flickr ( a photo sharing service) so that I can post photos from my mobile phone while in Maui (and anywhere else I go.) I posted one last night (and deleted it..since it was just a photo of my driving home last night) as a test and it appeared to be successful. I can’t seem to figure out how to post photos to Flickr and have them show up here assigned to a category (like, say ‘Mobile Photos’.) It’s still not clear if Flickr is the best way to do this, so I am open to suggestions. I really want to be able to just snap photos and have them show up here for you guys to comment on, as opposed to shuffling you off to another site.

The test continues……….