The Top 20 LIVE Games of 2008
Last year was a great year to be an Xbox 360 gamer as is evident by the quality of titles that Xbox LIVE members were playing. After a few days of number crunching, here are the top games for 2008 based on Xbox Live connectivity.
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 | Halo 3 |
2 | Call of Duty 4 |
3 | GTA IV |
4 | Gears of War 2 |
5 | Gears of War |
6 | CoD: World at War |
7 | Guitar Hero III |
8 | Battlefield: Bad Company Demo |
9 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo |
10 | Rock Band |
11 | Fable II |
12 | Mirror’s Edge Demo |
13 | Madden NFL 09 |
14 | BF: Bad Company |
15 | Rainbow Six Vegas 2 |
16 | UNO |
17 | Castle Crashers |
18 | COD: World at War Multiplayer Beta |
19 | Forza Motorsport 2 |
20 | Too Human – Demo |
Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions purchased)
The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.
Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 | Halo 2 |
2 | Fable |
3 | Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2 |
4 | Counter-Strike |
5 | Fable: Lost Chapters |
6 | Doom 3 |
7 | Conker: Live Reloaded |
8 | Splinter Cell Chaos |
9 | SW: KOTOR |
10 | SW: Republic Commando |
11 | Star Wars: Battlefront |
12 | Burnout 3 |
13 | Guilty Gear XX #Reload |
14 | Gauntlet Seven Sorrows |
15 | Call of Duty 3 |
16 | Ninja Gaiden Black |
17 | Crimson Skies |
18 | MechAssault 2 |
19 | Call of Duty 2 |
20 | Rainbow Six 3 |