LIVE Activity for week of March 16th



Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)

1    Call of Duty: WaW
2    Halo 3
3    Call of Duty 4
5    Gears of War 2
6    GTA IV
7    Halo Wars
8    FIFA 09
9    Left 4 Dead
10   Guitar Hero World Tour

Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions purchased)

1   Peggle
2   Castle Crashers
3   Worms
5   UNO
6   3 on 3 NHL Arcade
7   Watchmen: The End is Nigh
8   A Kingdom for Keflings
9   Marble Blast Ultra
10 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.


Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)

1    Halo 2
2    Fable
3    Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
4    Counter-Strike
5    Splinter Cell Chaos
6    Conker: Live Reloaded
7    Doom 3
8    Star Wars: Battlefront
9    Call of Duty 3
10   Burnout 3


Top Community Games NEW! (Full Versions purchased)

1    RBR – Fading Memories
2    RC-AirSim
3    Rumble Massage
4    DrumKit
5    TV Calibration
6    ZenHak
7    Aquarium HD
8    ZP2K9
9    A Fading Melody
10   Remote Masseuse


These lists are based on global unique users connected to Xbox Live or in the case of Arcade and Community Games, full versions purchased during the week.