1 Billion Entertainment Hours spent on Xbox LIVE every month


We’ve just released some interesting Xbox data that I thought you might enjoy:

  • There are 45 million consoles sold in 35 countries.
  • In the last year alone there has been an 157 percent increase in the time spent watching movies and television on Xbox.
  • 42 percent of Xbox LIVE Gold members in the US are watching an average of an hour of television and movies on their Xbox, every single day or more than 30 hours of digitally distributed television and movies a month.
  • The 25 million members of Xbox LIVE around the world are each spending more than 30 hours per month on the service – that means cumulatively Xbox LIVE members are now logging more than one billion hours a month on the service
  • Access to Xbox LIVE is expanding from 26 countries to 35 this November.

And when we ship the next dashboard update in the very near future, Xbox LIVE will launch ESPN on Xbox LIVE, along with Video Kinect.


Update: Corrected the number of consoles sold.