Changes coming to

I wanted to give you a heads up that we’ve got some pretty big changes coming to In addition to full site redesign (finally!) we’re also going to be migrating to a new blogging platform. As you can imagine, there is a LOT of data to migrate (we’ve got over 9 GB of posts and comments.) To prepare for the move, this will be my last post until the move is complete, and later today we’ll be shutting comments off to ensure we capture all of the existing data and move it over. While we make the move over the coming days, there may be times when things may be a little wonky, RSS feeds and/or URL’s may be broken, or the site may just unavailable. These are by products of such a large scale move and things should return to normal very soon, so thanks for bearing with us.


Once things settle down, I will return to posting as normal. Until then, please follow me on Twitter for updates.


Thanks and see you on the other side.