Coming soon to the Xbox Live Game Store

Here is a look at some of the upcoming content scheduled for the Xbox Live Store Follow me on Twitter for additional updates.

Xbox LIVE Arcade  Release Date USD
The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 1 All That Remains 18-Dec $4.99
Game Add-ons  Release Date USD
Xbox 360
Batman Arkham Origins: Supply Drop 2 10-Dec $4.99
Saints Row IV: How the Saints Save Christmas Mission Pack 10-Dec $6.99
Battlefield 4: China Rising 17-Dec $14.99
The Walking Dead 2: Season Pass 18-Dec $14.99
Deal of the Week Discount Dates Savings
Air Conflict Secret Wars 10-Dec to 16-Dec 67%
Apache Air Assault 50%
Birds of Steel 50%
Sky Drift 50%
Sky Drift: Gladiator Pack 50%
Sky Drift: Extreme Fighters Pack 50%
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon   50%
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Online Map Pack 50%
The Walking Dead  17-Dec to 23-Dec  
Episode 2: Starved for Help 66%
Episode 3: Long Road Ahead 66%
Episode 4: Around Every Corner 66%
Episode 5: No Time Left 66%
Sales  & Specials* Discount Date Price
Ubisoft Publisher Sale 10-Dec to 16-Dec
Countdown to 2014 17-Dec to 31-Dec
Games on Demand Release Date
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag 17-Dec

* For the Ubisoft Publisher sale, look for more information on your Xbox 360 dashboard.
I’ll have more details on the “Countdown to 2014” promotion next week when it kicks off. It will be similar to last year’s sales event where there are new items on sale every day.

Note: Prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region