Every Street United Players Go Head-to-Head in Finale and Take on MLS Players
The most important day of the “Every Street United” players’ lives has arrived at last! Last week, the two teams were selected and players prepared for the 4v4 game in Rio. This Sunday, in the “Every Street United” finale, the players will receive final words of advice from their coaches, Thierry and Edgar, before taking to the street to prove once and for all who is worthy of a tryout with the Seattle Sounders FC.
We’re also excited to announce an “Every Street United” vs. MLS Player Challenge this Sunday, August 3 in Portland, OR as part of the MLS All-Star Game. In the challenge, four players from “Every Street United” will take on four MLS players in a friendly skills competition. An exhibition will follow the tournament, where the players will show off their skills and trick shots. The competition kicks off at 12:00 p.m. in the Pioneer Courthouse Square. Hope to see you there!
You can watch the “Every Street United” finale virtually anywhere on Xbox Video, or catch up on past episodes and check out interactive features in the “Every Street United” app on Xbox One and Xbox 360. An Xbox Live Gold membership is not required.
For more information, visit “Every Street United.”