Sunset Overdrive Spices up the Awesomepocalypse with Player Voting, Weapons Pack, Soundtrack Release and More
Today, Insomniac Games and Microsoft opened a Fizzie Blimp-sized can of “heck ya!” on the world with a series of announcements that are sure to fire up Sunset Overdrive fans.
Even More Insane Weapons!
Sunset Overdrive has a lot of weapons, but anyone who’s encountered a horde of OD will agree that there’s no such thing as too many weapons in a mutant apocalypse. With the first Sunset Overdrive downloadable Weapons Pack, you can beef up your arsenal with four new weapons and obtain more strategic options for creative mayhem and destruction.
The four weapons included in the weapons pack are:
- Plague Bomb – Instantly intoxicate enemies in the area with this weapon. Enemies hit with the Plague Bomb will start vomiting, take damage over time and explode when killed. Plus, enemies affected by the Plague Bomb can spread the disease to others!
- Rager – Releases a confusion-inducing cloud which causes enemies to attach each other in a fit of rage. And yes, they also explode when killed (sense a bit of a theme here?).
- Shield Buddy – Activates a shield that protects you and your friends but also deploys bombs that will decimate your foes. No need to choose between offense and defense when you can have both with the Shield Buddy.
- Multi-Lock Rocket Launcher – The most literal of the weapons included in the pack, the Multi-Lock Rocket Launcher does exactly that and locks on up to eight targets. Release the trigger and send a legion of homing rockets at your enemies.
Reading and descriptions not your thing? See the insanity in action with the archived footage from yesterday’s All Star Insomniac Games team livestream which showcased the chaos that these four brand new weapons can cause in Sunset City!
The weapons pack is free with the Sunset Overdrive Season Pass, or available for separate purchase for $4.99 (USD).
Vote Now or Die Hard (then Respawn)
Sunset Overdrive is packed with tons of outfits and explosive weapons, but Insomniac wants you to help decide some of the exciting content updates and changes on a regular basis. Every other week, you’ll be able to vote on new outfits and game-changes through a new online Player Voting feature that will help shape the community’s experience.
The first Player Vote features a choice between Buck National and Floyd, and you can start voting now for the next two weeks in Sunset TV. The results of the vote will be available in two weeks, and the winning character will have their outfit given to players as a free preset and will be prominently featured in the second story-based add-on content (releasing in 2015).
Stay tuned to Sunset TV and Insomniac Games’ Facebook, Twitter and forums for information on the new Player Voting feature and upcoming content.
Don’t Bring a Knife to a ProPain Launcher Fight
For a limited time, the elusive and fabled (not to mention devastating!) ProPain Launcher will be more frequently awarded to players starting today. Jump into Chaos Squad now until 11:59 p.m. ET Monday, Dec. 1 for a chance to take advantage of the increased drop frequency.
I Can Haz OverCharge?
Need more OverCharge for the upgrade you crave? Well you’re in luck! Starting today until 11:59 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1 you can earn 27.9 times more OverCharge while playing Chaos Squad so put on your wolf mask, grab your Flaming Compensator and join with up to seven other players online for some multiplayer goodness.
Get Lost in the Music
If you want to inject a little more Sunset Overdrive into your life but don’t think it’s physically possible to zipline on power cables, bounce off the top of cars and rail grind along the edges of buildings – then the Best of Sunset Overdrive Music soundtrack is for you! Releasing today on iTunes, Spotify and other digital distribution platforms, the soundtrack features 18 awesome tracks by such bands as Boats!, Dan Sartain, Bass Drum of Death, Meat Market, Cheap Time, and Brenna Red.
Last Chance for Romance… with the Sunset Overdrive Day One Edition
Dec. 1 isn’t just the first day after Movember – it’s also the last day that the digital version of Sunset Overdrive Day One Edition will be available for purchase! You have until the end of Monday, Dec. 1 to download your copy of the Day One Edition and fight through the end of days with flair. The Sunset Overdrive Day One Edition features the following exclusive digital content that you won’t find anywhere else:
- Nothin’ but the Hits Gun – An overcharged version of the High Fidelity gun that launches limited edition, priceless, multi-colored vinyls that do increased damage.
- It’s Me! Fizzie! Outfit – Fizzie is more popular than you because he has a great marketing budget. So, why not dress up as him and get in on some of that fame?
- Hardcore! Hammer – You ponder buying the Day One Edition of Sunset Overdrive. A spot check reveals that if you do, you can equip a mighty hammer made from a bat and spiked dumb-bells. You buy the Day One Edition of Sunset Overdrive.