This Week’s Deals with Gold and Microsoft Studios Publisher Sale

Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 16 March 2015.

Xbox One


Content Title Content Type Discount %
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Xbox One Game 67%
Murdered: Soul Suspect Xbox One Game 67%
Dragon Age Inquisition Xbox One Game 40%
Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition Xbox One Game 40%
Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition Xbox One Game 67%
Ryse: Legendary Edition Xbox One Game 40%
Sunset Overdrive Season Pass Add-On 25%

Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region. Deals with Gold are valid for Xbox Live Gold members.

Xbox 360


Content Title Content Type Discount %
Assassin’s Creed III Games on Demand 50%
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Games on Demand 50%
Assassin’s Creed Games on Demand 50%
Murdered: Soul Suspect Games on Demand 75%
Hitman HD Pack Games on Demand 80%
Zombie Driver HD Arcade 66%

Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region. Deals with Gold are valid for Xbox Live Gold members.

Xbox 360 Publisher Sale

Content Title Content Type Gold Discount Silver Discount
Forza Horizon  Games On Demand 50% 40%
Fable III  Games On Demand 67% 60%
Fable Anniversary  Games On Demand 50% 40%
Halo Wars  Games On Demand 75% 67%
Gears of War 2  Games On Demand 75% 67%
Zoo Tycoon Games On Demand 60% 50%
Castle Crashers  Games On Demand 50% 40%
Battleblock Theater Arcade 50% 40%
Trials Evolution Arcade 50% 40%
Hydro Thunder Hurricane  Arcade 50% 40%
Fruit Ninja Kinect  Arcade Kinect 50% 40%
Kinect Sports: Season Two  Games On Demand 50% 40%
Banjo-Kazooie  Arcade 67% 60%
A World of Keflings  Arcade 67% 60%
Toy Soldiers  Arcade 50% 40%
FEZ Arcade 50% 40%
Portal: Still Alive  Arcade 50% 40%
Spelunky Arcade 67% 60%
Joe Danger 2: The Movie  Arcade 75% 67%
Toy Soldiers: Cold War  Arcade 50% 40%

Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region. Publisher discounts are valid for all Xbox Live members.
