Age of Empires: Castle Siege Celebrates Two Years with a New Age!
Siegers rejoice! After celebrating two years on Windows 10, popular strategy game Age of Empires: Castle Siege is expanding with a brand new level, Age 10, available today.
Age 10 will bring a new golden look to players’ empires, displaying in no uncertain terms which players have reached this amazing achievement. Age 10 empires will not only look amazing, but will also contain stronger troops, deadlier traps and unlock various castle upgrades to help protect your fortress.
Age 10 arrives with Patch 1.21, which streamlines combat, fixes bugs and delivers new game features including:
- Reimagined League System – All players who play in individual leagues will now get a participation reward, with the top three players in each pool receiving additional gold. Plus, participation gold is worth more if you are in a higher league.
- New Marketplace Boost – Players can purchase a new marketplace item with in-game gold, which allows to you host a festival with your empire and boost your resource production.
Age of Empires: Castle Siege offers dynamic, strategic gameplay unique to the genre and remains a top grossing game in the Windows Store. And with Xbox Live integration, you can link your Microsoft account to play the same empire across devices and store your game progress, Achievements and Gamerscore in the cloud.
Want to get in on the action? Age of Empires: Castle Siege is available for free in the Windows Store for Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8, as well as iOS.