JRPG-Inspired Regalia: Royal Edition Coming Soon to Xbox One
We started our adventure with Regalia a long time ago, and some of you might remember us from the successful Kickstarter campaign we did in 2015. Now we’re excited to bring our Polish JRPG to Xbox One in Q1 of 2018. Although we’re from Poland, we’re sure we knew how to recall that classic JRPG feeling to deliver a whole new take on fantasy storytelling.
From the very beginning, Regalia was supposed to be a colorful, challenging, and funny tactical RPG; or rather, a JRPG. However, as we started to create the game, we realized it’s one of a kind and became a unique lesson on how to wear pants in the royal world.
Every JRPG starts with the story. Ours is about a young prince that must man-up overnight. After Kyle Loren’s father’s passes away, he inherits a wondrous land far, far away. There’s a catch, however. The realm is drowning in terrible debt. Now, through some good old-fashioned adventuring, he must return his family seat to its long-gone greatness and bonding together with an original cast of misfit characters who will help him along on his journey… or maybe not, who knows?
Each unique character will play their part in the story of a young heir to a run-down kingdom, whose greatest problem may not be the monsters lurking in the dark corners of the land, but the debt collectors knocking at the family estate door.
During the development process, we thought of many ideas taken from our best experiences with RPGs and JRPGs, but we soon realized that the more we drove our own visions, the more diverse and interesting the story became. We knew the characters were the best option to let our imagination run free.
This concept brought us to Aliss, a red-haired wizard with a temper living on the lam; Esther, an ingenious engineer, to whom science always beats magic (who needs just a few gears and some spare parts to make an atomic bomb); and Theo, a vampire disgusted with vampirism who wants to become a hairdresser.
In Regalia you will meet dozens of colorful characters that will make your adventure that much more eventful or risky. Check them out and discover if you’re ready to stay in charge of the kingdom. It may be abandoned, but it’s the one that’s yours by birthright.