Paladins Champions Pack, Season Pass 2018 And Digital Deluxe Edition Are Now Available For Xbox One

Paladins Digital Deluxe Edition

Hi-Rez Studios

Xbox One X Enhanced
Experience the best way to play Paladins! The Paladins Digital Deluxe Edition includes the Champion Pack and the Season Pass 2018 at a $10 savings over buying them separately. You’ll get every current and future Champion in Paladins -- forever! That means you’ll have instant access to the current 35+ character roster, and instantly unlock the newest Champions upon their release. The Season Ticket 2018 includes all three Battle Passes for the 2018 Season, beginning with the Mech-themed Battle Pass. This first Battle Pass features the brand new Mecha Prowler Battle Cat Mount Skin and the Robo Ruckus Skin, plus more rewards for each level. You’ll also receive the second and third Battle Passes as soon as they are released and be among the first to earn levels and get their sweet loot. As a special bonus, you’ll also receive 1,500 Crystals -- a $25 value! Unlock the perfect new Skin, or get an entire bundle of content for the latest Paladins Event. With the Digital Deluxe Edition, you’ll have the best of Paladins all in one place.


Paladins Season Pass 2018

Hi-Rez Studios

Xbox One X Enhanced
The Paladins Season Pass 2018 is the best way to get all three Battle Passes for 2018. You’ll instantly unlock the current Battle Pass, including the Remix Strix skin. Plus you’ll immediately unlock the limited rewards from Battle Pass 1 and 2: The Mecha Prowler Battle Cat Mount Skin, and the Crimson Serpent Dragon Mount Skin. You’ll level up your Battle Pass with every game you play, earning rewards with each level. Unlock Exclusive Skins, animated Sprays, Titles, and more. The Season Ticket also includes 1,500 Crystals -- a $25 value! Find a new favorite Skin, or invest in an Event bundle -- the choice is yours! If you have previously purchased a Battle Pass in-game, you will be refunded the Crystal price of that Battle Pass upon purchase of the Season Pass. Note: You will not be refunded for any Battle Pass XP purchases, only the Crystal Value of the Battle Pass itself.


Paladins Champions Pack

Hi-Rez Studios

Xbox One X Enhanced
Every Paladins Champion. Forever. Purchasing the Champions Pack will immediately unlock all 35+ Champions currently in Paladins. Plus, you’ll also get all future Champions as soon as they are released. If you previously unlocked Champions in Paladins, your account will be refunded the gold value for those Champions when you purchase the Champions Pack.


Product Info:
Developer: Hi-Rez Studios
Publisher: Hi-Rez Studios
Website: Paladins
Twitter: @HiRezStudios / @PaladinsGame