New Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead 1810 Update – 7/23/18
Starting at 2:00 p.m. PDT today, members of the Xbox One Preview Alpha – Skip Ahead and Preview Alpha rings will begin receiving the latest Xbox One system update (1810.180720-1510). Learn more about the new features in development for 1810 here, and read on for a list of fixes and known issues in this 1810 system update
- Fixed an issue where background images or achievement art would sometimes not display on console boot.
- Fixed various networking issues that sometimes caused the console to not be connected to Xbox Live after waking from Instant-on
Known Issues
Virtual Keyboard
- We are tracking an issue where users are reporting that various keys & controller shortcuts for the virtual keyboard are not being recognized. Certain keys (spacebar, @ symbol, – symbol) are not registering when being pressed on the keyboard (both the virtual keyboard and via a USB keyboard)
- We are tracking an issue with users not being able to select/change options under Device power options in Device Contro
Microsoft Edge
- The cursor may disappear when exiting and re-entering the app
- Workaround: Press Y when re-entering the app to make the cursor re-appears
Profile Color
- Users may encounter an incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.