New Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead 1904 build coming today 2/8/19
Starting at 2:00 p.m. PST today, members of the Xbox One Preview Skip Ahead and Preview Alpha Rings will begin receiving the latest 1904 Xbox One system update (19h1_release_xbox_dev_1904.190206-1920). Read on for more about the fixes and known issues in the latest 1904 system update. For the next few releases we will keep Alpha Skip Ahead and Alpha builds in sync to test core functionality.
- We have fixed the issue with Skype crashing when starting a video call or conversation.
- Captive portal fixes.
- Localization fixes.
Known Issues:
Disney Adventures
- We are tracking an issue that this title is crashing on launch.
Broadcasting on Mixer or Twitch
- We are tracking an issue that causes broadcasting to fail with both Mixer and Twitch.
- This happens if you attempt to start Mixer or Twitch broadcast with Kinect/webcam captured content sharing turned off. This privacy setting is at: Account \ Privacy & online safety \ Xbox Live privacy \ View details & customize \ Game content \ “You can share content made using Kinect or another camera”. The workaround is to turn this setting to “Allow”
- We are tracking an issue with the Netflix app. When you are playing 4k content and then pause and place the console in connected standby upon relaunching the Netflix app when starting you console back up the Netflix app crashes. Workaround: Close and relaunch the Netflix app. Some users have also found if they change the console display resolution from 4K to 1080p then launch the app. After the app launch change the console display back to 4k.
Profile Color
- Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.