Xbox Ambassadors Are Leveling up in the Community
We’ve all been there. You settle into your gaming chair, join a group, and bam… in the middle of gameplay, someone spoils the fun.
But it’s a new era and Xbox is dedicated to improving your online experiences. Xbox and the Xbox Ambassadors program are committed to make gaming online a fun and safe place for all gamers to play.
Just read what Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, said in his DICE speech, “Honestly, toxic behavior doesn’t just hurt the individual, it hurts our entire industry. When toxicity is aimed at one of us, it needs to stop with all of us. That’s why I’m encouraging our community to coming together to talk about specific actions.”
Enter Xbox Ambassadors
Xbox Ambassadors are gamers who, like Xbox, want gaming to be fun and safe, not only for themselves, but for their family, friends, and fellow gamers.
In the effort to make this a reality, Ambassadors contribute to this a number of ways. Everything from sending “gg” to fellow gamers after a match to playing with a new gamer to learning about the safety features on Xbox, Ambassadors are positively changing the way we play and share gaming knowledge.
Leveling Up
As a community we want to encourage safe behaviors online and provide a fun place for gamers to play. Some Ambassadors are taking this to the next level and bringing online gaming knowledge to their local communities.
With two kids beginning to play games online, PalmettoBling, an Xbox Ambassador, was inspired to share his knowledge and expertise in gaming, online safety, and privacy to other parents at his local PTA, “I wanted to use my knowledge and experience to let my community and school know that I’m a resource available,” explains PalmettoBling “It takes time to teach children safe and appropriate behavior online. Knowing there are security controls to help protect and guide them as they grow will put them in a better place to help the gaming space be a friendly and welcoming place for everyone in the future.”
PalmettoBling isn’t the only Ambassador driven to help others in their community. ONI Assassin and six others created the Parental Guidance to Gaming (PGTG) group. PGTG strives to find the best ways to educate parents of young gamers and help protect children who may be exposed to underage gaming. “We believe every child deserves to be safe,” ONI Assassin shares, “Our mission is simple – to educate parents and reduce the number of children being exposed to underage gaming by creating an evolving program which empowers parents to keep their children safe.”
PalmettoBling, ONI Assassin, and Xbox Ambassadors alike are committed to making Xbox an enjoyable place to play not only through sharing gaming knowledge, but also through having fun on Xbox.
FourNinjaToads, an Xbox Ambassador, exemplifies what it means to have fun during streams with his two kids. “I have been creating videos for years with Jr and Logan (FourNinjaToads’ sons) on YouTube and it only seemed natural to follow that into live streaming,” describes FourNinjaToads, “I just want to be a good example for them and hopefully to other kids and maybe even other fathers.”
At the core, gaming is about having fun. There are 250,000 Xbox Ambassadors and counting who are all committed to make gaming fun for everyone just like PalmettoBLing, ONI Assassin, and FourNinjaToads.
How do you make Xbox a fun place to play?
Gaming fun and safety comes in all different forms like sharing positive gaming stories with fellow gamers, sharing your gaming knowledge with your community, and even sending “gg” after a match.
So, how do you make Xbox a fun place to play?
Learn more about the Xbox Ambassadors program at ambassadors.xbox.com and let’s make Xbox fun for everyone, together.