Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Available Today with Xbox Game Pass


  • Fallout 76 has joined the Xbox Game Pass library!
  • Starting now, if you’re an Xbox Game Pass member, you can play Fallout 76, including the new Wastelanders expansion that brings NPCs and a brand-new main questline to the game.
  • Learn more about what Wastelanders adds, as well as the new Seasons content, here.

Fallout 76 has joined the Xbox Game Pass library! Starting now, if you’re an Xbox Game Pass member, you can play all of Fallout 76, including the new Wastelanders expansion that added NPCs and a brand-new main questline to the game. Explore Appalachia with your friends and uncover the secrets hidden in the mountains. Side with either the Settlers or the Raiders and make a name for yourself in the wide-open world.

Experience New Wastelanders

The Wastelanders expansion takes Fallout 76 back to Fallout’s roots with a deep dialogue system and unique NPCs, as well as a new main questline that pits two factions against each other, with you in the middle picking sides. As people return to Appalachia, a war brews between Settlers and Raiders, both of whom want control of the land for different reasons. The Settlers hope to rebuild and make a new, safer life for themselves, while the Raiders see Appalachia as their rightful territory and want to remove those would infringe on it.

Of course, how can you have a faction war without having a reputation system that tells you how you’re doing with both groups? The reputation system will help you go from stranger to ally or enemy, and you’ll even pick up some rewards along the way. Based on the choices you make and the actions you take, you can move through seven different reputation ranks, including Hostile, Neutral, Friendly, and more. You will eventually need to side with one faction over the other, but you have plenty of time to make your decision and explore both of their storylines before you do so.

Both factions have set up their own bases of operation – the Raiders’ Crater and the Settlers’ Foundation – and at these hubs you’ll find new quests, vendors, and plenty of people to interact with. But these aren’t the only places you’ll encounter other people. NPCs can be found all over Appalachia, in other, smaller settlements and even just wandering the wilds. As you venture through Appalachia and invest yourself in the Wastelanders story, you’ll even meet people who will become your Allies. Allies are special human NPCs that will join you at your C.A.M.P., defending it and offering you side quests and activities to participate in. Each Ally has a unique personality that can explore by speaking with them, as well as by completing the daily quests they offer.

Fallout 76

Join The Legendary Run

Also new to Fallout 76 is the Seasons system. Seasons are a new account-wide progressions system that overhauls the existing Daily and Weekly Challenges and gives you tons of opportunities to earn rewards. Our first Season, The Legendary Run, just kicked off and players are already racing their way around a virtual game board as they rank up and earn in-game goodies like Atoms, Perk Card packs, unique cosmetics, and even useful items like the Ammo Converter, which is an early reward that you can build in your C.A.M.P. and use to exchange unwanted ammo types for ammo you need. You can learn more about Seasons and The Legendary Run here, and get a look at what else is coming to Fallout 76 (including a new Brotherhood of Steel expansion) later this year here.

Group Up & Get More

We’ve also recently added a new Public Teams feature, making it easier than every to party up. All you have to do is open the Social Menu and find the Public Teams tab. This will show you all available Public Teams in your current world. You can also see the goals they’re working on, so you can find a group of likeminded players to buddy up with. Public Teams can have up to four members, so as long as there’s an open slot, you can just hop right in and join them. In addition to simplifying the process, we’ve also added team-based buffs that will vary based on the type of goals the team leader has set for the group and the amount of time the group members have spent together. You can learn more about Public Teams here.

Get a Head Start

New to Fallout 76 and want a little boost to help you get started? Pick up the Appalachia Starter Bundle. The Appalachia Starter Bundle contains Piper’s Outfit and Cap, 5 Repair Kits, 5 Scrap Kits, and 1100 Atoms to send you on your way. Grab the Starter Bundle in the Atomic Shop for $7.99 and start your adventure!

We can’t wait to see you in Appalachia!

Fallout 76

Bethesda Softworks

$39.99 $31.99
Xbox One X Enhanced
Xbox Game Pass
Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76. Twenty-five years after the bombs fell, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers—chosen from the nation’s best and brightest – emerge into post-nuclear America on Reclamation Day, 2102. Play solo or join together as you explore, quest, build, and triumph against the wasteland’s greatest threats. Explore a vast wasteland, devastated by nuclear war, in this open-world multiplayer addition to the Fallout story. Experience the largest, most dynamic world ever created in the legendary Fallout universe. Enter an abandoned Enclave Research lab and face demanding encounters in Fallout 76’s first raid: The Gleaming Depths. Prove victorious and earn new player titles, four-star legendary gear, and welcome new C.A.M.P. Pets to your Wasteland home! Immersive Questlines and Engaging Characters Uncover the secrets of West Virginia by playing through an immersive main quest, starting from the moment you leave Vault 76. Befriend or betray new neighbors who have come to rebuild, and experience Appalachia through the eyes of its residents. Seasons Progress through each season and unlock free rewards like consumables, C.A.M.P. items and more, by completing limited-time challenges. Multiplayer Roleplaying Create your character with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system and forge your own path and reputation in a new and untamed wasteland with hundreds of locations. Whether you journey alone or with friends, a new and unique Fallout adventure awaits. Mountain Splendorland The story lives and breathes through the world of Fallout 76, which brings to life six distinct West Virginia regions. From the forests of Appalachia to the noxious crimson expanses of the Cranberry Bog, each area offers its own risks and rewards. A New American Dream Use the all-new Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform (C.A.M.P.) to build and craft anywhere in the world. Your C.A.M.P. will provide much-needed shelter, supplies, and safety. You can even set up shop to trade goods with other survivors. Fallout Worlds Play unique adventures in Appalachia with Fallout Worlds, which is an evolving set of features that give players the capability to play Fallout 76 in unique ways with customizable settings.