Journey to a Mysterious Asteroid in The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon Expansion
It has been amazing seeing the wonderful response to The Outer Worlds from our community, and as with any great RPG, people have enjoyed going back and experiencing different paths and playstyles. Yesterday, we were thrilled to reveal The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon, coming on September 9 as the first of two narrative expansions for the game. Now, I’d absolutely love to tell you about our second expansion, Murder on Eridanos, but the Board has kindly* asked** me to focus on Peril on Gorgon for now. The only thing they did give me approval to discuss is The Outer Worlds Expansion pass, which includes both story expansions bundled at a discount. They also required that I also add, “With these savings, only a Deserter would pass this up!” I’m sorry, I’m just doing my job.
So what is The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon all about? It takes place on the Gorgon asteroid, which was the site of one of the most ambitious scientific undertakings in Halcyon: the development and synthesis of Adrena-Time, a drug intended to improve the productivity of workers across the Halcyon colony. While the drug showed early promise, long-term use resulted in alarming side-effects, including heightened extroversion*** and creative ideation****. Doesn’t that sound delightful?
*** extreme aggression
**** delusional behavior
Anyway, after an expensive development cycle and several failed tests, Halcyon’s favorite***** corporation, Spacer’s Choice, shuttered the project, and the abandoned facilities became home to marauders and a motley band of SubLight contractors. And that’s where you come in! Specifically, that’s where you come in as long as you’ve completed the critical path of the base game through Monarch. If you’ve finished the game, we recommend starting up a new game, perhaps with a different character build than your last playthrough. But you also should have a final save file where you can go back to experience the DLC all leveled up******!
*****The Board does hereby declare that no favoritism exists among the Halcyon corporations except when explicitly beneficial to The Board and its subsidiaries.
******The Board would like to award all loyal employees of Halcyon by raising the level cap to 33.
Now, five years after the end of the Adrena-Time project, wealthy recluse Minnie Ambrose reaches out to you in hopes of learning more about Dr. Olivia Ambrose, her mother, and the former head of the project. Your journey will take them through Gorgon’s treacherous canyons and into its abandoned corporate facilities***** as you track down Dr. Ambrose’s scattered, embittered colleagues and uncover a mystery that has shaped life in Halcyon.
*******The Board advises against entering any abandoned facilities and is absolved of any liability for pain or suffering experienced as a result of entrance.

If you’re going to experience a new storyline on a new asteroid, it’s only right to equip you with some sweet new science weapons. We don’t want to give them all away just yet, but if you take a close look at the artwork at the top of this story, you’ll get a look at the P.E.T., which stands for Pest Extermination Tool. It’s a personal favorite, and one that melee players will especially enjoy, as it draws enemies in before you lay down the hurt. And you’ll be able to use the P.E.T. and the other weapons on new creature variants that might have had a bit too much of that Spacer’s Choice Adrena-Time. And what would The Outer Worlds be without perks and flaws? Well, we’re adding more of those, too. Plus new armor sets and variations, so you can get a whole character build that looks and plays in totally new ways.
So to wrap things up with some Board-approved messaging: The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon is coming this September 9 for $14.99 USD. The second expansion, Murder on Eridanos, is coming next year at the same price, but you can pick them both up with The Outer Worlds Expansion Pass for $24.99 USD for some extra savings. And those of you who played The Outer Worlds on Xbox Game Pass, you’ll be able to grab each of these or the expansion pass for an extra 10% off. And one last thing: The Outer Worlds and both expansions will also be optimized for Xbox Series X, because the Board asked us to make it so********.
********The Board denies any threats, intimidation, extortion, or other wrongdoing, and kindly asks that you purchase The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon this September 9.