Crystal Ortha Is Now Available For Digital Pre-order And Pre-download On Xbox One

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Crystal Ortha


Today too, in the town tavern the crystal appraisers devote themselves to their business, in search of a far-off legend. Set off on a journey, with four allies who have the future on their shoulders, to find the legendary crystal mother lode! Enjoy solving puzzles in dungeons, and strike up conversations with the people around the world. Battles with bosses feature conversations, which might even give you some hints about tactics! Fill the skill slots with the skills you like to be prepared for strategic turn-based battles. Find the ores to craft weapons and search around pots and objects to get items for your adventure. Watch over the fate of the crystal seekers until the end of their journey!
NOTE: You may pre-download this game, but it will not be playable until the release date/time: 11/05/2020 – 9:00 PM (check the product page for release date/time in your region).
Product Info:
Developer:  EXE-CREATE
Publisher: KEMCO
Website:  Crystal Ortha
Twitter: @ExeCreate / @KEMCOGLOBAL