¡Gears Tactics se prepara para consolas Xbox! Conoce la nueva lista de logros


  • Gears Tactics estará disponible en consolas Xbox el 10 de noviembre junto con el lanzamiento de Xbox Series X|S. ¡Predescárgalo ahora!
  • ¡Gears Tactics se prepara para consolas Xbox! Celebra con la nueva lista de logros con un valor total de 1400 puntos.
  • Ordena en preventa Gears Tactics para consola o juégalo en Xbox Game Pass antes del 4 de diciembre de 2020 y recibe el paquete de personajes Thrashball Cole.

Hoy, The Coalition y Xbox se enorgullecen de anunciar que Gears Tactics ya se está preparando para consolas Xbox, un gran hito previo al lanzamiento del título el próximo mes. Este momento es muy importante para el juego en general y para el lanzamiento del título en particular, ya que significa que el disco final del juego ya está en proceso de producción, lo que asegurará que los fans de todo el mundo puedan jugar Gears Tactics el 10 de noviembre en Xbox One y Xbox Series X|S.

Si ordenas en preventa Gears Tactics o juegas a través de Xbox Game Pass antes del 4 de diciembre, recibirás el paquete de personajes de Thrashball Cole que incluye a Augustus Cole como recluta y el conjunto de armadura Thrashball con habilidades únicas.

Nos llena de emoción presentar la lista de logros actualizada de Gears Tactics, que incluye 11 nuevos logros (400 puntos para tu Gamerscore) para un total de 1 400 puntos en el juego. Gears Tactics recibirá una gran actualización para todas las plataformas el 10 de noviembre, la cual incluye a Jack, el característico compañero de Gears of War, como parte de tu escuadrón, nuevos enemigos Deviant, el nuevo equipo Supreme y controles mejorados de Xbox.

Logros del modo de juego Jacked de Gears Tactics

Nombre del logroDescripción del logroPuntos
Number 5 is alive!Complete a mission with Jack (Jacked game mode only).10
Jack and the BeanstalkDefeat the Brumak in Act 1 Chapter 6 without Jack taking damage (Jacked game mode only).40
All For One!Apply three or more stacks of Wingman on a single ally (Jacked game mode only).10
One For All!Have four members in your squad with the Jacked status effect at the same time (Jacked game mode only).10
You can’t see me!Gain a Supply with a Hidden Jack and no other allies in the Supply Point (Jacked game mode only).20
For he is truly his brother’s keeper…Use Jack to rescue both soldiers from torture pods on a Rescue mission (Jacked game mode only).30
I’ve done the whole mind control thing…Use Jack to HiJack each non-boss enemy at least once (Jacked game mode only).50
Zed’s dead, baby.Kill one or more of each Deviant enemy (Jacked game mode only).40
UntouchableWin a Veteran Mission without taking a point of damage (Jacked game mode only).40
Suit Up!Equip at least one weapon with all Supreme Weapon Mods (Jacked game mode only).50
Seriously JackedEarn all “Jacked game mode” achievements.100

Logros actuales de Gears Tactics

Nombre del logroDescripción del logroPuntos
World on FireSecret Achievement5
Hell of a shotSecret Achievement10
The bigger they are, the harder they fallSecret Achievement10
Maybe too much spine…Secret Achievement10
Broken hand, broken heartSecret Achievement20
Dead men tell no talesSecret Achievement20
Champion of VasgarComplete all Campaign Acts (any difficulty).40
Hero of VasgarComplete all Campaign Acts on Experienced or Insane difficulty.60
Savior of VasgarComplete all Campaign Acts on Insane difficulty.80
Smash!Complete a Sabotage side mission10
Fortuna Audaces SequiturComplete a Scavenger Run side mission10
Everyone stay cool, this is a robbery!Complete a Control side mission10
Stronger TogetherComplete a Rescue side mission10
We’re in the endgame nowComplete a Veteran Mission.10
I could do this all dayComplete 20 Veteran Missions.30
GrubslayerKill 10 enemies.10
GrubslaughterKill 1000 enemies.20
GrubpocalypseKill 10000 enemies.50
Tactics!Perform a chainsaw execution.5
Tick Tick Tick …Kill an enemy with a Ticker explosion5
Boom!Kill 100 enemies with Ticker explosions30
Legen (wait for it)…Upgrade one primary weapon with all Legendary mods.20
…dary!Upgrade each Hero’s primary weapon with all Legendary mods.40
I am IronmanComplete the Campaign on any difficulty with Ironman mode enabled10
God-likeComplete 20 missions without any of your units dying or being downed.20
ImmortalComplete 100 missions without any of your units dying or being downed.40
I never missHit a target with 10% or less chance to hit.10
Happy KillmoreClose an Emergence Hole by kicking a Ticker into it.10
I’ve got your ‘BOOM’ right here!Kill a Boomer with a boomshot.10
The path of the righteous manComplete a mission without any of your units dying or being downed.10
BOGOKill an enemy, AND an enemy behind it, with a single burst of bullets.10
Trick ShotGet 4 kills with a single Torque Bow shot.10
Demolition ExpertClose an Emergence Hole before any enemies have emerged.10
High NoonComplete a mission by only dealing damage with Snub Pistols.30
Ain’t no one like me, ‘cept me!Complete a mission on Insane difficulty with a single soldier.30
Immortal LegionComplete the campaign on Insane difficulty without a single unit dying.50
Seriously TacticalEarn Grubpocalypse, Immortal Legion, I Could Do This All Day and Boom!100
Check out the big brain on Brett!Kill 5 enemies with a single Overwatch action.10
PiñataKill a single unit that has taken damage from each Gear on the mission.10
SnafuHeal an enemy unit with a Stim Grenade.5
Aw man, I shot Marvin in the face.Down a Gear with friendly fire.5
Oh, I’m sorry, did I break your concentration?Interrupt an enemy Overwatch with a Disrupting Shot from the Snub Pistol.5
We should have shotguns for this…Complete a Veteran Mission with all Scout units.10
Backdoor ManKill 6 targets with a single Rampage, after coming out of Cloak.10
Three CountHit with 3 Explosive Shots while having maximum Anchored bonus in a single turn.10
Trouble in ParadiseEmpower a Teamworked unit and gain 3 AP from their kills.10
Midnight HourGain AP from the Avenger skill, then use a Rage shot to kill the unit that caused your AP gain.10
Up Up Down DownUse Alpha and Omega twice each in the same turn. 10
The Big EndingRevive a Scout with Stim ability and then use that Scout to kill at least 5 enemies with Rampage.20
Great vengeance and furious anger…Breached 3 enemies and killed one of each with Precision Shot, Reckless Shot and Double Shot.20

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