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Hey look..the site was updated!

As you may (or my not) have noticed, we updated the site today. Lot’s of behind the scenes stuff to squash those nasty errors that have been appearing lately. In addition, there is a new theme chooser. Now you can choose if you want the cool Xbox theme (which is what normal one I have always had…or you can choose the default one (which is what they call the one that WordPress, the tool I use to run this place, has.) The default is lighter and may be easier for some people to read. Great work by my resident “blogmaster” (“webmaster” seemed so 90’s) Ghost Recon Fan who continues to do great work. Anyway, let us know if you find any bugs (especially when you use the Default theme.)

Also, I’ll get the spec on the themes and if you guys want to build them (and they are good enough) we’ll drop ?~em in on the site.

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