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Internship Available

Do you understand the following?

exp(-(AB)2)/(2*c2)) * ^sd
c2 = 22 + f2winner + f2loser
d = 22/c2

If you do and you’re a fan of the Xbox Live TrueSkill system (you can read more about it here, or listen to my interview with the True Skill team here)you’ll be happy to know that they have an opening for an intern. Of course, they are looking for someone who is working on their PhD. Judgeing from what I know about the average gamer, most all of you are working on at LEAST your PhD or your Doctorate…right?

Contact them directly if you areinterested…tell them Major Nelson sent you. Here is the official posting directly from the TrueSkill team:


You are currently doing a PhD and think you can improve the TrueSkill system? You always dreamt of working on video games related research? Why don’t you apply for an internship with Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK! We are currently seeking to fill an internship position for summer 2006. Together with Ralf Herbrich and Thore Graepel, you would be working for 3 months (any time between May 2006 and September 2006) on extensions of the TrueSkill system. Here are the requirements for application:

  • You are on a PhD course in computer science, engineering, physics or related fields.
  • You are strong background in mathematics and/or (Bayesian) statistics.
  • You have experience in coding (C# or MATLAB, preferably both).
  • If you meet all of the above criteria and you are interested, please send your CV to


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