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Update from Infinity Ward on COD2

The below update was just posted by Infinity Ward over at the Xbox forums. The good news is that they are working on some of the top commmunity requests and they’ll roll them out as soon as then can. No…I can’t give you a date, since I don’t know due to the testing involved. Once I have more specifics, I’ll post ’em, but it looks like we’re getting closer.

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Dear Call of Duty Community:

As you recall, we announced plans that we were working on our second Title Update for Call of Duty 2, improving the Xbox Live multiplayer functionality. We’re happy to report that this update is currently in the final stages of testing and all is going well. In fact, we will be releasing it soon, so stay tuned. To give you a better understanding of what we have been working on, the second COD2 Title Update will have the following enhancements:

1. Player Lag has been addressed

Plus, we have added the following functionality:

2. Private Game Lobbies / Reserved Slots

3. Enabled the Live Host to set custom game options

4. Map Preferences setting

5. Post Game Lobbies (all players at end of match will return to their game lobby)

6. Enemy Player Name Notification

7. Ability for the Host to kick a player

8. In game Lobby – Game Type, Map and Host Notifications

Again, thank you for your support?and stay tuned for future updates!

– Infinity Ward

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