PS3 Details
Looks like Sony has finally reveled details about the Playstation 3. I am not sure if Sony holding their Tokyo press conference on the Ides of March is significant, only time will tell.
Here are the highlights as I see ’em:
– Global Release November 11th
– 60GB HDD 2.5″ with pre-installed Linux OS.
– Dev kit specs fix as of today (
– Final PS3 development kits will be sent to developers in June
– 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month at cost around same as 2-layer DVD
– Every PS3 game will be on a Blu Ray Disc
– Price will not be less than 50.000YEN approx: $425USD)
– PS3 will have HDMI support from launch
– Sony plans to produce 1 million PS3s a month; 6 million PS3s for FY2006 (by the end of March 07)
– basic online service free, no details yet (probably match making like PC GameSpy)
– Full backwards compatibility, hi-res and texture filtering for all titles (kind of what the Xbox 360 does to Halo)
– The online service will be working off of GameSpy technology
More details many places across the web, but I was looking here.
I’ll mull over this and talk about it on my show Sunday, until then?discuss 😉