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Community Party=Done!

It was great…it was fun, and I am sure the folks will have TONS of photos…but I am dead tired (did I mention that I lost my voice?) and going to bed. Did you go to the party? What did you think? Wasn’t it great that Peter Moore kicked off the party? It was so great to meet some of the community in person. I recorded so many podcasts with people (theirs, not mine) that I can’t remember them all. I do remember the one I did with the crew though….so give that a listen. Off to to you tomorrow.

Link off to your party photos if you have any!

Oh, one more thing: I’ve been quite busy today shooting a LOT of videos for Check out the video gallery where you see quick a history of video games, an interview I did with Halo’s Marty O’Donnel and more. Be sure to check out the Speedtree video…it’s actually one of my favorites. 

Edit: Fixed link

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