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Halo 2 Blastacular Map Pack

The Halo 2 ‘Blastacular Map Pack’ is now available for download over Xbox Live. This pack is US $4.00, and it contains two maps: Tombstone and Desolation.

Since this is original Xbox content, it’s worth pointing out the following:

  • You can not purchase these maps with MS points because all original Xbox games have no idea what points are. Therefore, you must have a valid credit card associated with your account in order to purchase the map pack. Please read this article which will show you how to make the changes to your account to add a credit card. All set there, but getting an error when downloading? this may help.
  • Don’t have a credit card? Head down to your local Visa gift card retailer (like a supermarket) and charge one up with just enough to cover the purchase.
  • The maps are original Xbox when you purchase them, they are tied the console they are purchased on. You can not go to another box and re-download them for free.

According to Frankie, the H2 playlists will be updated shortly to include the new mapage.

For more information on the maps (and screen shots) direct your attention to the thse two articles (one and two) on

Edit: Frankie has a new post on the maps here.

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