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Kick off the weekend and play with the COD4 Devs (and win stuff)

It all happens tonight from 6p ET/3p PT for three hours. Our good friend fourzerotwo and a bunch of folks from the COD4 dev team will be online to take on your squad. Ready up and good luck. Theyll kick off the Call of Duty 4 LIVE Fire Weekend which runs through Sunday. There are also opportunities to get your tush kicked by one of the GamerchiX on Saturday night, or have a friendly game with the Xbox Ambassadors on Sunday night. With 72 prizes* on tap, including an Xbox 360 Elite, COD4 schwag and more, it is going to be a great weekend, and a great way to celebrate the new maps which were downloaded over a million times in just nine days.

Good luck, play nice and Ill see you on Xbox LIVE this weekend.

*Check the rules for eligibility

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