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Audio files from Ghostbusters


If you’re enjoying Ghostbusters: The Video Game, then I’ve got a little something special for you today. My friends at Terminal Reality sent me a few of the master audio files directly from the game to share with you. There are clips of of the PKE Meter, Capturing Sequence and two clips of an angry Stay Puft Marshmallow man.  I have created two ZIP files. One is the WAV version (the masters) the other is a 96k MP3 version.  Each ZIP contain the same four files in the appropriate file format.


Right click and choose ‘Save as’ (or something similar) to save this to your computer. Go ahead and make this your ring tone, new mail sound or whatever you think is cool. I’d love to know how you use it.


Download the Ghostbusters audio .ZIP file (WAV format, 3.50 MB)


Download the Ghostbusters audio .ZIP file (96k MP3 format, 316 K)


These are for individual, personal use only.

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