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Killer Instinct League Play Kicks Off Tomorrow

The battle for the Top 32 starts tomorrow!

Competitive matches are the lifeblood of fighting games, and something that the
Killer Instinct team is passionate about. When we brainstormed what Killer Instinct Season 2 multiplayer would look like, we felt strongly that Season 2 had to bring something fresh to fighting games, not just the same ‘ol thing that only appeals to hardcore players. The all-new Ranked Leagues gives everyone something to play for.

Ranked Leagues is the monthly battle to climb up the ranks and become a feared and renowned Top-32 “Killer.” Like any professional event, Ranked Leagues begin with qualifiers. The first time you enter the Ranked Leagues landing page, you qualify by playing 10 matches that determine where you are initially placed in the League’s tiered ladder system. Based on your performance, you’ll be grouped with players of a similar skill level in the Bronze, Silver or Gold Tiers. Then the battle is on to reach KILLER status!

Every Tier game matches players up with similar skill levels. Bronzes play Bronzes, Silvers play Silver, and so on. A shiny, new Player Card banner will show everyone the status you’ve reached. As the battles rage on, you can gain or lose Ladder points and Rank Titles, but once you’ve made to a Tier, you can’t fall out of it. No need to stress out about flubbing a match or two! Occasionally, you’ll even match up with someone outside of your Tier, but bonus Tier Points make it well worth your while for you and your opponent to take the risk. After you reach a certain threshold of Tier points, you graduate to the next Tier. And once you’ve progressed to the KILLER Tier, everything changes!


  • Killer vs. Killer Ranked Matches are now BEST two out of three, a staple of tournament fighting.
  • Unlike Tournament fighting, you cannot counter-pick between rounds, keeping matches as brisk as possible.
  • The Killer Tier is reset every month and the Top 32 Killer players at the end of the month are rewarded PRO Status, immortalizing them in that month’s Leaderboards, in addition to unlocking special Player Card PRO stars.

With the monthly Killer tier turnaround, it’s always a frantic and fun race to the Top 32, especially when the warning bell rings. And if you don’t make it one month, no big deal. There’s always next month, when we reset the KILLER leaderboards, so everyone has a shot to get to the top again. The cool thing is that this ladder structure makes every game count, while also matching you with players that have similar skills. Ranked Leagues BETA starts tomorrow and we hope you’ll join!


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