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Heavy Fire: Red Shadow Is Now Available For Xbox One

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow

Mastiff LLC

As Sgt Will, holdfast behind a devastatingly powerful turret-mounted machine gun as you mow down waves of enemy forces across eight stages. Call in supply drops and reinforcements to turn the tides of battle. Unlock an array of Field Promotions and upgrade your combat abilities.


Heavy Fire: Red Shadow - Demo

Mastiff LLC

Set in the not-so-distant future, tension between a bold North Korea, that has managed to establish a unification with South Korea entirely on its terms, and the United States have gone beyond their breaking point. As Sgt. Will, step onto the unforgiving battlefield, establish a beachhead, and holdfast behind a turret-mounted machine gun. A brutal and unceasing onslaught of enemy forces will attempt to flank and eliminate Sgt. Will from every angle as he and a few surviving comrades rain hell upon anything that crosses their iron-sights. ★ 360° White-knuckle Action! Use a devastatingly powerful turret-mounted machine gun and rocket launcher combo to mow down enemies in 360° across eight stages ★ Call In Support! Call in supply drops and support from elite infantry troops, fighter aircraft, attack helicopters, and more ★ Get Promoted! With more than 30 unlockable Field Promotions, players earn power-ups to upgrade and customize their machine gun, rocket launcher, health, and support skills

Product Info:
Developer: Anshar Studios
Publisher: Mastiff
Website: Heavy Fire: Red Shadow
Twitter: @AnsharStudios / @mastiffgames


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