Reminder about Blog Comments

I wanted to remind folks about the long standing comments policy here on my blog. I am going to repeat them here so there is no confusion:

Comment Policy:
I encourage comments, rants, critiques, praise, and/or suggestions that will result in thought provoking conversation. I ask that you simply stay on topic and respect other people’s opinions, avoid profanity, personal attacks, offensive statements, illegal content (including links) and anything else that might otherwise violate good humanitarian sense.

I encourage discussions about Xbox and other video game consoles…as long as your posts abides by these commenting rules:

  • Keep it clean – This is a public blog, open to civilized people who do not appreciate obscene, vulgar or sexually-oriented language, no matter how creatively spelled.
  • Keep it civil – Don’t defame, threaten, abuse or other commenters. No racism, sexism or any other sort of -ism that degrades another person will be tolerated.
  • Respect other members of the community and do not belittle, make fun of, or insult another members.
  • Keep on topic – Stay focused on the subject at hand. Do not post advertisements or solicitations for funds, goods, or services.
  • Be responsible – Comments are the sole responsibility of those who post them.
  • Be Safe for Work: There are people that read this blog at work. If something would not be considered “work safe” (to a boss or HR person), then it shouldn’t be posted
  • Exercise your authority – Police these comments and FLAG any that that violate the house rules. (Read this to learn how to flag a comment)
  • Rules violators may be permanently banned from commenting.

This is considered a family environment. Xbox is a family product. There are many members that are minors and many people that post with their children looking over their shoulder. If it shouldn’t be viewed by minors, then it shouldn’t be posted. This is a public blog, open to civilized people who do not appreciate obscene, vulgar or sexually-oriented language, no matter how creatively spelled.

Basically, don’t post anything you would not want your mother to see.

If your comment does not appear right away, Disqus (the platform used for commenting) may have flagged it for review. Comments are manually reviewed about once a day, so you’ll have to wait until your comment can be approved before it appears. You can avoid having Discus automatically flagging your comment(s) by not using profanity and/or getting your comments up-voted.

Basically it comes down to contributing higher quality comments so the Disqus system won’t auto moderate your comments.

Please keep it clean as we get closer to the launch of the next generation.

