Creating Xbox One: The Inside Story
On a frigid Thursday evening last November, writer Jennifer Warnick lined up at the Microsoft Store in Seattle for the midnight launch of Xbox One. Consumers would buy over a million consoles in the next 24 hours – but Warnick was among the lucky few to share the moment with Carl Ledbetter, the guy who designed it.
“How could I resist?” Ledbetter said when asked why he’d choose to wait in line. “It’s cool to be around other people who are as excited as I am.”
It’s a brand of excitement we’ve come to recognize. Over the last few months, the team from Microsoft Stories has spent countless hours with the people behind Xbox One, and they all shared the same fan-like enthusiasm for the incredible product they spent years painstakingly creating.
Now you can get the inside story from the on Xbox One as told by three of its brightest minds: Carl Ledbetter, industrial designer; Boyd Multerer, director of development; and Alex Hebert, creative producer.
Click the links above to read the individual stories or head on over to Microsoft Stories to read them all (and many more).