Later today, I’ll become a member of the ‘mile high’ (blogging) club. (details here) I’ll be snapping photos and blogging as much as the connection will let me. Here are just a few of the folks that will be joining me this afternoon:

Anil Dash
Steve Broback
Buzz Bruggeman
DL Byron
Bryan Corliss ?” Everett Herald
Kevin Ebi ?” AP Radio
Dominic Gates ?” Seattle Times
Brian Gregory ?” KOMO
Molly E. Holzschlag
Cathy Lu ?” Macworld
Mike Outmesguine
Chris Pirillo
Eric Rice
Robert Scoble
Bob Sullivan ?”
Nick Wingfield ?” WSJ

Hopefully these folks won’t suck up all my bandwidth. My next post will be this afternoon, from in-flight.