2008 Statistics for MajorNelson.com

I thought I’d post some of the statistics that MajorNelson.com and my audio show rang up for the past year. I want to thank everyone who drops by to make this one of the most active Gaming communities on the internet. 

During 2008, I made 701 blog posts that generated over 50,000 comments.

Top Posts of 2008 by Views
The New Xbox Experience Preview program
Preview Program emails going out
Some of the features in the new Xbox experience (8 person chat, VGA support and more)
Xbox Live Service Maintenance
Having Xbox LIVE Connection issues? (Updated)
Top 10 things to do when you get the New Xbox Experience
Xbox 360 Console banning
NXE Preview: Third (and final) wave
Extended Play Download Days (price drop on DLC)
The New Xbox Experience is coming November 19th


Top Posts of 2008 by Comments
Preview Program emails going out 1,588
NXE Preview: Third (and final) wave 1,425
The New Xbox Experience Preview program 1,346
Having Xbox LIVE Connection issues? (Updated) 1,071
NXE Preview Part Deux 1,024
Spring Update update 792
Sign up for the preview? You’re in! 561
Xbox LIVE Marketplace Black Friday Sale 530
Top 10 things to do when you get the New Xbox Experience 504
Reminder: Xbox Live Service Maintenance Updated 488

Top 10 Countries that visit MajorNelson.com

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada 
  4. Germany 
  5. Australia 
  6. Netherlands 
  7. Spain 
  8. Sweden 
  9. France 
  10. Mexico

Top 5 Browsers viewing MajorNelson.com 

  1. Firefox 
  2. Internet Explorer 
  3. Safari 
  4. Opera 
  5. Chrome 

Top sites sending traffic to Majornelson.com 

  1. Kotaku.com
  2. Google.com 
  3. Xbox360fanboy.com 
  4. Forums.xbox.com 
  5. Joystiq.com 

Major Nelson Radio (my weekly audio blogcast/podcast)
Number of shows produced in 2008: 42
Number of show downloads in 2008: 9.3 million
Average show length: One hour and seven minutes


MajorNelson.com registered users

7,667 users registered in 2008 bringing us to a total of 19,472 registered users

Average Gamerscore of registered users: 16,224

Chat stats from our IRC server at chat.majornelson.com:
Unique MN.com users that have connected and logged in to the chat: 166
Total users online during the VGAs: 343
Characters typed: 3,789,292


And finally, the number of emails received at Major-at Xbox-dot com during 2008: 61,512

Again, thanks for a great 2008 and I look forward to an even better 2009 with you.

Have fun, play fair and I’ll see you online.