Invitation to Preview the Next Xbox One Update
The team is working hard to deliver some exciting updates in March that will make Xbox One even better. But in order to ensure our customers have the best experience on Xbox One and Xbox Live, we need the help of our passionate community.
Beginning today, Xbox is inviting select Xbox Live members to preview new features coming to Xbox One in a March system update and future system updates as they become available, asking them to provide valuable feedback before the updates are implemented worldwide. Selected participants will receive an Xbox Live message with a token to register. The next system update will begin rolling out next week to those who will preview the new features. Once registered, participants will be able to test the early features included in the update and provide feedback on a private forum and can opt out of future waves.
Like Marc Whitten announced last week, the updates coming in March will significantly improve the multiplayer and party experiences on Xbox One. We’re counting on our fans to share their input as we’re putting the final touches on the new features that we plan to deliver in early March.
Thanks for helping make Xbox One even better. We look forward to hearing your feedback on the system updates whether you are participating in the preview or not. We love to hear from you.