Blizzard Keeps Diablo III On Xbox One Awesomely Up-to-Date
Hold on to your rare helms, because Blizzard just announced that future patches for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition on Xbox One will mirror the patches seen on the PC version of the game. This means that the PC version’s new 2.1 patch will shortly follow on Xbox One.
To put that into perspective, the last time a huge PC game quickly mirrored patches on the console version was back in… well, never.
“We’re really excited about it,” said John Hight, production director for Diablo III.
“When we started on this adventure, we thought we’d never be able to do updates on the console side in the same way we do with the PC. This allows us to be more responsive to our customers. Our goal is to eventually make these updates simultaneous.”
This kind of patching is possible now because the Xbox One is powerful enough to handle large-form patches, and can update games in the background. And with an increasing number of gamers fully connected to the Internet, Blizzard is comfortable pushing these large patches online.
This announcement comes on the tail of news that Microsoft and Blizzard have worked together to ensure that the Xbox One version of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition is in full 1080p. What’s more: Gamers who already enjoy Diablo III on the Xbox 360 or PS3 can transfer their characters to the Xbox One version. No need to rebuild that awesome witch doctor from scratch; Blizzard’s got you covered.
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition hits Xbox One on August 19.