Cities: Skylines Xbox One Edition Now Available for Pre-Order
The acclaimed city builder Cities: Skylines Xbox One Edition is coming soon and is now available for pre-order!
This modern take on a classic city builder puts you in charge of a growing city, from the ground-breaking of its first streets to the ever-changing needs of its thousands of citizens. It features residential, commercial, industrial, and office areas zoned around tight road-building tools with various city services and unique buildings sprinkled in.
The team has put a ton of effort into adapting what many think of as a traditional mouse and keyboard genre over to a controller and we think the results are fantastic – the natural, smooth and snappy interface will have you designing, building, and managing the city of your dreams in no time. You can read more about this adaptaion here.
Xbox One players will get to experience Cities: Skylines first on console when it launches April 21. In the meantime, keep it locked to Xbox Wire for further news on Cities: Skylines Xbox One Edition any other exciting titles coming soon to Xbox One.