Destiny 2: Warmind Available Now for Xbox One
Are you ready to head back to Mars, Guardian? You’ll have your chance to explore the red planet yet again starting today with the release of Warmind, the latest expansion pack for Destiny 2. In Warmind, you’ll do battle against a thawed-out Hive army that was lurking underneath the planet’s polar ice caps.
Longtime Destiny players will be happy to see a familiar face (well, hear a familiar voice): The Warmind known as Rasputin makes its first appearance since the original Destiny. Players will fight alongside a new ally, Ana Bray, in an effort to reach Rasputin’s core. In addition to introducing a patrol zone called the Hellas Basin, the expansion pack will bring in a second raid lair, a horde-style cooperative mode called Escalation Protocol, and two new strikes.
Once you’ve got Warmind, you’ll have access to:
- A new vendor space called Braytech Futurescape
- Two new Crucible maps called Meltdown and Solitude
- Masterwork versions of Exotic weapons
- A new co-op activity called Escalation Protocol, in which you’ll battle against waves of enemies
- Spire of Stars, a raid lair located on the massive Leviathan ship
- Two new strikes: Will of the Thousands and Strange Terrain
- A powerful new arsenal of Warmind themed weapons, armor, and gear
Starting today, you can purchase Warmind on its own for $19.99. Or, if you’d rather go the bundle route, Warmind is part of the Destiny 2 Expansion Pass for $34.99 which is included along with the base Destiny 2 game in an $89.99 bundle and in the game’s $99.99 Digital Deluxe Edition.