Turning the Metal up to 11 in Coffee Crisis, Available Now on Xbox One
Hello, Xbox fans! We’re excited to bring Coffee Crisis, our neo-rogue brawler to the Xbox One today. I wanted to introduce the game and explain what makes this dark brew of beat ’em up action so incredibly metal.
Right out of the gate, Coffee Crisis hits players with a hard and heavy plot. An evil deep space race of aliens has come to strip humanity of its most precious accomplishments – Wi-Fi, coffee, and heavy metal. The game stars two baristas from a heavy metal themed coffee shop who use the Seven Demon Blend as a weapon against this threat. It’s a campy story that never lets up on the intensity, just like a heavy metal guitar solo.
Next, we knew that the gameplay would have to be equally metal. Knocking the beans out of aliens and possessed country singers was one step, but we needed something more. So we scratched our Viking helmet thinking caps and pulled an ace out of our leather sleeves: heavy metal modifiers. In addition to random enemy buffs or item drops for the players, we’ve also added blood and coffee raining from the sky, moshpit spawns of opponents, and many more!
Finally, Coffee Crisis would not be truly metal without a crunchy, ruthless soundtrack. We knew fans and players would be disappointed if we gave such a metal-themed game some bland, anemic tunes. Never fear, because we deliver with vicious riffs, powerful solos, and distorted crunch that makes Coffee Crisis‘ music an incendiary ear treat.
Coffee Crisis has something for everyone and whether you like coffee, metal, or just fun video games, we can’t wait for you to enjoy it today on Xbox One!