Fallout 76 – Project: Clean Appalachia is Now Live on Xbox One
You never want to have a dirty house when guests are visiting. The same should be said for when citizens begin returning to Appalachia with Wastelanders — a massive free update to Fallout 76 that will fundamentally change the Wasteland this November on Xbox One. It’s dangerous out there, and you don’t want them to get spooked and leave right after they arrive.
That’s why, for the next six weeks, we’ll be hosting a series of community events and challenges focused on cleaning up Appalachia. From September 10 through October 23, Xbox Live Gold members will receive special rewards just for taking part in Project: Clean Appalachia, including the return of fan-favorite events like Meat Week, new hairstyles and player icons.
Community Challenges will also have stretch goals, which will have their own set of rewards. All stretch goal requirements will be unlocked as the challenges progress. In addition, there will be ongoing sales in the Atomic Shop, as well as a free weekly Atomic Shop item. Get the full schedule of events and challenges below.
For more information and to track goal progress for all challenges, follow @Fallout on Twitter and keep an eye on the https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/events.
Week 1: September 10 – September 16
- Weekend Event – Double XP Weekend Across All Modes (September 12 – September 16)
- Community Challenge – Clear the Skies (September 10 – September 23)
- Take down 100,000 Scorchbeasts with the community
- Reward: Meat Week Returns (September 26 – September 29)
- Stretch Goal Reward #1: Scorchbeast Player Icon
- Stretch Goal Reward #2: Curly Bun Hairstyle
- Stretch Goal Reward #3: Full Meat Week Returns (September 26 – October 3)
- Atomic Shop Freebie – Tripod Floor Lamp
- Atomic Shop Sale – Summer Atom Bonus Bundle
Week 2: September 17 – September 23
- Community Challenge – Clear the Skies (September 10 – September 23)
- Take down 100,000 Scorchbeasts with the community
- Reward: Meat Week Returns (September 26 – September 30)
- Stretch Goal Reward #1: Scorchbeast Player Icon
- Stretch Goal Reward #2: Curly Bun Hairstyle
- Stretch Goal Reward #3: Full Meat Week Returns (September 26 – October 3)
- Atomic Shop Freebie – Mid-Century Disc Lamps
- Atomic Shop Sale – Summer Atom Bonus Bundle
Week 3: September 24 – September 30
- Weekend Event – Meat Week(end): The Second Slice (September 26 – September 29 or September 27 – October 3, depending on Stretch Goal unlock)
- Atomic Shop Freebie – Photomode Frame for Grafton & Grafton High Bed
- Atomic Shop Sale – Summer Atom Bonus Bundle
Week 4: October 1 – October 7
- Weekend Event – Legendary Vendor Murgh’s Mystery Pick (October 3 – October 7)
- This week only, take a chance on a random 3-Star Legendary item at the Purveyor at a greatly reduced price
- Community Challenge – Take out the Trash (October 1 – October 14)
- Take down 8,000,000 Scorched with the community
- Reward: Legendary Vendor Sale at 25% off (October 17 – October 21)
- Stretch Goal Reward #1: Honeybeast Player Icon
- Stretch Goal Reward #2: Vault-tec Flamer Skin
- Stretch Goal Reward #3: 50% discount during Legendary Vendor Sale (October 17 – October 21)
- Atomic Shop Freebie – Mr. Handy Player Icon
- Atomic Shop Sale – Summer Atom Bonus Bundle
Week 5: October 8 – October 14
- Community Challenge – Take out the Trash (October 1 – October 14)
- Take down 8,000,000 Scorched with the community
- Reward: Legendary Vendor Sale at 25% off (October 17 – October 21)
- Stretch Goal Reward #1: Honeybeast Player Icon
- Stretch Goal Reward #2: Vault-tec Flamer Skin
- Stretch Goal Reward #3: 50% discount during Legendary Vendor Sale (October 17 – October 21)
- Atomic Shop Freebie – Face Paint Bundle (Full Diamond, Full Eye Black, Full Eye Smudge)
- Atomic Shop Sale – Summer Atom Bonus Bundle (sale ends October 9)
Week 6: October 15 – October 23
- Weekend Event – Legendary Vendor Community Sale (October 17 – October 21)
- This week only, the Purveyor will offer a 25% discount, or 50% if the Stretch Goal reward was unlocked
- Atomic Shop Freebie – Modern Art Statue
Happy cleaning!
Fallout 76 is available now for Xbox One on the Microsoft Store. Click here for additional purchase details.