Poll: Marketplace Posts

Since the Xbox 360 launched, I have been posting what is available on Marketplace as it becomes available. With well over 7,000 pieces of free and premium content now available on the Marketplace*, my Marketplace posts have all but taken over the blog on some weeks. When we launched we had a few items go up on Marketplace each weekbut not were at the point where some days well see more new markeplace content in one day being then was posted in a week back in 2005. With the velocity of content going up each day and week, I have been starting to pick and choose what I post. Ill always post about the demos that go up since that generates the most interest, but I wanted to ask you, dear readers, what you think about my recent experiment where I post all of the content that goes up in a day in one post. Instead of making one post for each gamer picture ,theme or trailer that goes up, Ill make one post at the end of the day that has a listing of that days bounty. Let me know what you think with the poll I just posted on the site.

Note: If you are reading this post in your RSS Reader, swing by my site and vote in the poll (left column, under my Gamer card.)

Edit: I added the poll directly to this post. No need to leave the comfort of your RSS reader. If you can’t see the poll on this post, hit it directly at PollDaddy.


*US Marketplace