Arcade: Wits & Wagers
Content: Wits & Wagers
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: Canada, United Kingdom and United States
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (EVERYONE)] Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 2-4, Local Multiplayer 2-4, HD (High Definition). Upgrade now to the full version of Wits & Wagers, and unlock 25 full hours of unique questions! With local and online play, plus the ability to link one group of local users to another group via “couch-to-couch” multiplayer, Wits & Wagers is a party waiting to happen. Get 700 questions, great character costumes and dance moves, catchy music, achievements, leaderboards, support for the Xbox LIVE Vision camera, and more. This game requires the Xbox 360 hard drive or the 512MB Memory Unit for storage. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see