Borderlands 2 Game Add-on: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
Content: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
Price: 800 Microsoft points (Included in your Season Pass)
Availability: Check availability in your Xbox LIVE region
Dash Text: In Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, the third campaign add-on for Borderlands 2, players will enter an uncharted territory deep in the swamps of Pandora where a massive Hyperion ship has crashed. The wreckage is rumored to have stockpiles of loot. But watch out, mutated creatures, and armies of savages also have an interest in the ship. As ferocious and primal as they may seem, the mysterious Professor Nakayama claims to be their diabolical leader, and he’s calling all the shots. Includes new guns, new loot, new bosses, a new location, a new vehicle and new skins & heads.
Purchase this game add-on and add it to your Xbox 360 download queue
Note: If you purchased the Borderlands 2 Season Pass, download this content from within the game at no additional cost.
You’ll need a copy of Borderlands 2 to use this game add-on