Calling all Sunset Overdrive Overachievers: New Achievements and Savings
Like all important life lessons taught in video games, Sunset Overdrive strives to provide a deeper connection to fans by offering a meaningful and enriching – ah who are we kidding?
We really just want to challenge players to have more fun while air dashing all over Sunset City and sowing mayhem with the TNTeddy. To help and reward you intrepid funseeking, gamerscore and achievement hunters, Insomniac Games has upped the ante announcing today that they have added three new Buck National themed challenges with each achievement worth 25 gamerscore points. See below for more details on these challenges and achievements and stay tuned for more new achievements in the coming months and the next explosive new add-on pack soon.
Hardcore!: Buck National vs The Apocalypse
Beat the score of 400,000 on the Challenge “Buck’s National vs The Apocalypse.”
Hardcore!: Buck Strikes Back
Beat the score of 500,000 on the Challenge “Buck’s Strikes Back.”
Hardcore!: Buck Stops Here
Beat the score of 600,000 on the Challenge “Buck’s Stops Here.”
And for Xbox Live Gold Members who haven’t jumped feet first into the wonderfully chaotic world of Sunset Overdrive there’s no better time to join the party than right now. Starting today, Sunset Overdrive is 40% off for a limited time on the Xbox Game Store.