New Ryse Achievements Now Available
Ryse fans didn’t need to be wary of the Ides of March, as three brand new achievements adding 250 gamerscore were made available to fans last week. One of the achievements revolves around the single-player campaign, while the other two require you to spend some quality time with the game’s multiplayer offerings. Now, just let us step away from the Bacchanalia for a few moments to break them down for you:
To unlock the “Beware the Ides of March” achievement players will need to complete fifteen multiplayer executions in a single match. Completing this string of kills will net players 100 gamerscore.
On a similar note, if you haven’t checked out the multiplayer mode in Ryse yet the “Lunacy in March” should be a great incentive. Simply play seven matches on the map Barbarous and 100 gamerscore is yours.
Finally, there’s the campaign-based achievement. “Et, Tu, Brute” delivers 50 gamerscore and will require players to save the Emperor in Chapter One and then kill him in Chapter Eight, all in one playthrough.
Have fun earning those achievements!