Kinect For Xbox One And Xbox One Kinect Bundle Now Available For A Limited-Time Promotional Offer
Earlier this month we announced availability of the Xbox One with Kinect Bundle featuring an Xbox One 500GB console, Kinect for Xbox One and full-game downloads of Dance Central Spotlight, Kinect Sports Rivals and Zoo Tycoon. Starting today, the Xbox One with Kinect Bundle will be available for a special, limited-time promotional offer of $399 USD / $449 CAD / $7,999 MXN in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
The Xbox One with Kinect Bundle is available at Microsoft Store and other retailers including Amazon, Best Buy and Target.
Already have an Xbox but thinking about grabbing Kinect? Standalone Kinect for Xbox One units will also be available for a special, limited-time promotional offer of $99 USD / $109 CAD / $1,999 MXN in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
The Standalone Kinect for Xbox One is available at Microsoft Store and other retailers.
This is a great time to experience the greatest games lineup in Xbox history, including Kinect favorites where you can jump right in. Nearly half of Xbox One owners are using Kinect today, and across the Xbox fan base, Kinect sensor owners are regularly among those reporting the highest level of customer satisfaction. We are also continuing to invest in Kinect, and are looking forward to launching the Cortana personal assistant on Xbox One in 2016.
Check out the best ways to get the most out of Kinect:
Voice Commands: Voice command capabilities rank consistently among the most used Kinect functions and let you experience greater convenience and control with Kinect for Xbox One. Navigate your console without lifting a finger. Instantly capture screenshots and game clips. And change TV channels without ever searching for the remote. It’s time to get the most out of your Xbox One.
Wake up your Xbox One and TV: Take command of your entertainment. Turn your console on and off by simply saying “Xbox on” or “Xbox, turn off.”
Automatic Recognition: Be recognized and signed-in automatically when turning on your console, so you can spend more time gaming.
Multi-tasking made easy: By snapping an app with Kinect Voice Commands, you can multitask the activities most valuable to you. Simply move the app to one side of your screen where it will continue to run while you do something else on the main part of your screen.
Connect with Skype and Twitch: Keep in touch with friends and family on your TV with Skype for Xbox One. You can also broadcast your gameplay live with picture-in-picture through Twitch. Just launch the app and simply say “Xbox, Broadcast”.
You are the Controller: Use your whole body and voice to control games like Dance Central Spotlight, Kinect Sports Rivals, Zoo Tycoon, and more with incredible precision.