Beam Theme Week on Xbox Wire: #BeamLove and Getting to Know the Community
You may have noticed by now… Beam is a community-driven service. From its creation, the Beam team has focused on staying connected with its growing community. Throughout the years, this community has grown across forums, social media, our user feedback site, and now, a brand-new community Discord server. And with all this growth, came #BeamLove.
The concept of #BeamLove stems from the community, itself! #BeamLove is a special type of collaboration between streamers on Beam. For example, they help new users iron out problems, promote each other’s streams, and more. Simply, #BeamLove is the welcoming attitude toward new users, philanthropy, and friendly raids. It’s one of the magical things that makes the Beam community so positive, welcoming, and unique.
Let’s break down some of the commonly-used phrases in the Beam community. “Raid” is a popular one – what is a “raid,” you ask? A raid in the streaming world is organized by a streamer linking to another channel and instructing viewers to join and engage on another streamer’s broadcast – creating an often-instantaneous influx of viewers and conversation – thus, a “Raid!” Raiding is an important tool in the streamers toolbox; but please know – on Beam, we do ask that fellow streamers are OK with being raided first! Those uninterested often place “DNR” (do not raid) in stream titles or descriptions.
While gaming is a huge aspect of Beam, there’s more to the livestreaming service and the type of streamers that make up our community. There are artists, cosplayers, cooking streams, talk shows, musicians, novelists, Dungeons & Dragons groups, and more. No matter your passion, you can probably explore it here. As long as it stays within the terms of service, it’s fair game!
In addition to our helpful community, you can also find our amazing support staff following up on issues around the clock. Our team is incredibly responsive, averaging less than 15 minutes on ticket response times, and less than minutes for support inquiries! If you’re having any technical or account issues, just submit a ticket here to contact our support staff.
You can find Beam partners driving community engagement events. How do you know who is a partnered streamer? Just look for the purple “Subscribe” button at the top of their stream. Interested in becoming a partner? Check out the wealth of articles at help.beam.pro that highlight guidelines and requirements, plus offer concrete suggestions on how to attain those goals.
If you have an idea you think should be implemented on Beam, share it with the team by submitting it at feedback.beam.pro. Many of the changes you see coming to Beam were suggestions from our community, and we pride ourselves on integrating community feedback quickly!
Whether you’re a streamer or a viewer (or both!), you can find your niche in the Beam community. If you haven’t already created your Beam account, do so by just opening the Beam viewing app on Xbox One or by visiting Beam.pro.
Don’t forget – today’s theme for Beam Theme Week is Tropical Tuesday! If you want to join in on the festivities as a streamer, simply change the game played field to one of the theme week titles above so other viewers can find you. You can find all the participating streamers here.
Lastly, be sure to check out all of our Beam Theme Week on Xbox Wire posts:
- Monday – Beam 101