We’re Inviting More Xbox Insiders to Join “Alpha – Skip Ahead”
Recently we announced the addition of the “Alpha – Skip Ahead” ring to our Xbox One Update Preview, and in that time, we’ve seen a lot of excitement from the community. Because of this, and to further prepare for flighting RS5, we’re looking to expand and diversify our “Alpha – Skip Ahead” audience. As of today, we’ll be extending invitations to Xbox Insiders across all Xbox One Preview Update rings (Alpha through Omega) based on a record of providing quality feedback.
To determine whether you’ve been selected for “Alpha – Skip Ahead,” simply launch the Xbox Insider Hub, navigate to the Insider content tab, select the “Xbox One Update Preview” and choose “Manage.” These invitations only apply to the “Alpha – Skip Ahead” ring, so new members from the Beta, Delta and Omega rings will not have access to the Preview Alpha ring at this time.
If you received an invitation to “Alpha – Skip Ahead” and are interested in testing advanced builds, we’d encourage you to sign up today – we only have a limited number of spots available, and membership is first come first serve.
Thanks for helping us build the future of Xbox together! Whether you’re currently flighting an RS4 build or gearing up to flight an RS5 build, we value your feedback.