Share Ideas and Engage with Team Xbox Using the Xbox Idea Hub
A few weeks ago, we previewed the Xbox Idea Hub to select members of the Xbox community. Now that we’ve had some time to work out the kinks, we’re ready to hear from you! If you’re someone with ideas about how gaming on Windows 10 and Xbox One could be made even better by introducing new features or enhancing existing ones, make sure to stop by the Xbox Idea Hub today.
For those unfamiliar with our Xbox Ideas concept, the Xbox Idea Hub will be home to a variety Idea Drives. These limited-time drives are organized around a specific theme or topic put forth by a member of Team Xbox looking to gain a better perspective on what the community wants. Each Idea Drive will allow all Xbox fans to contribute their ideas, collaborate and discuss with others about a specific vision, and vote for the ideas they think are the best.
In addition to broadening our understanding of how you use Xbox products, services and features, we hope this new location will allow for more opportunities for discussion between Xbox fans and Team Xbox. That’s part of the reason we’re testing the waters and housing this location on the previously established Xbox Insider subreddit. After all, many of the members of Team Xbox already spend a lot of time reading through your comments and ideas in the subreddit, as well as other community locations relevant to their features, such as /r/xboxone, @XboxInsider, @Xbox and more.
Want to participate? Check out our FAQs:
- I’m not an Xbox Insider. Does this mean I can’t participate in Xbox Idea Drives? We welcome responses from any member of the Xbox or gaming community who feels they have a great idea relevant to an existing Idea Drive. Whether you’re a current or former Xbox Insider, or even someone who hasn’t heard of our program, we highly encourage you to get involved!
- I have an idea I’d like to share, but I’m not interested in interacting with others. Is that OK? For sure! We want to afford anyone who would like to engage with other Xbox fans or even Xbox Feature PMs and engineers the option, but it’s not a requirement. Please use this space as you see fit or check out our Xbox Insider Program for more ways to provide feedback to Team Xbox.
- I noticed an Idea Drive I’m interested in is marked “Closed.” What does this mean? Idea Drives are meant to have a distinct start and end. The feature team in charge of a “Closed” Idea Drive has ended the collection period and is now reviewing your submissions and planning their upcoming work based on the community’s ideas and feedback.
- I’m not interested in any of the currently available Idea Drives. What should I do? If you have ideas related to features that don’t currently have their own Idea Drive, please share them on a weekly Xbox Requests thread.
Hopefully we’ve covered any early questions you might have about engaging with the Xbox Idea Hub. For now, we’d suggest you check out the space for yourself! Here are some helpful tips for getting started:
- Visit an Idea Drive post that you’re interested in on the Xbox Idea Hub.
- If you have an idea related to that Idea Drive, share it by posting a comment. Don’t forget to comment on other posts to help build on community-driven ideas.
- Once you’ve posted an idea (or even if you didn’t!), upvote any comments that you really agree with – this will allow us a better view of the top ideas in an Idea Drive at that time.
- Check back often while the Idea Drive is open to continue upvoting new ideas and to see what other Idea Drives will be offered in this new space.
Keep an eye on the Xbox Wire, Xbox Insider Blog and @XboxInsider on Twitter for further announcements. Thank you and happy commenting!