Shadow Warrior 3 Takes It to the Next Level
Hello dear people of Xbox!
Thank you for clicking. Please, come in, make yourself comfortable. Would you like some tea? You do?! Well, I hope you like it served with extra kickass and a dash of explosions (and don’t worry – we don’t serve lemons here). Now that we got to know each other a bit more, let me tell you a little bit about our upcoming first-person action heavy, fast-paced, gun-blazing, katana-romance Shadow Warrior 3.

If you’re new to the series, our main protagonist is the effervescent fallen corporate shogun named Lo Wang. Reunited with his former employer turned nemesis turned sidekick Orochi Zilla, they both embark on an improbable mission to recapture an ancient dragon they unwillingly unleashed from its eternal prison. It’s all quite simple when you think about it. Now I know that you’re probably thinking “ok, but what makes Shadow Warrior 3 so special? What is Shadow Warrior 3 all about?”. Good question. Let me tell you all about it.

First up, we want to give each player a choice. Option A – guns. Option B – katana. Now, this is a very personal thing, we know that, so we’re not here to tell you which option you should go for. If you prefer to go all-in guns blazing – we got you covered. If you want to poke, strike, and dash instead – we got you covered too. And if you are one of those people that likes a little bit of both, well, be my guest. Adaptability is key as they say!

One of the things that we are proud of in Shadow Warrior 3 is how we’ve made Lo Wang nimbler. You’ll be able to run, jump, dash, air dash, wall run, double jump and more. Of course, you have the option to walk too, but why would you do that… We are also introducing a brand new and fancy grappling hook, meaning that you can bust your combat and movement options wide open and take it to the “next-level”! It’s poetry in motion, like a ballerina with a gun.

Now, we could keep talking about Shadow Warrior 3 for hours, but let’s face it – we’re all busy people. So, to wrap it up, I can tell you that for the first time in Shadow Warrior’s history, we have introduced brand new finishers. As Lo Wang, you will be able to execute spectacular finishing moves that claim a piece of your conquered foe and unleash its powers back on your enemies in a burst of unstoppable fury and powerful magic. Oooo mama, lemme tell ya, that that is fun! You’ll also be able to use environmental traps to decimate your enemies, upgrade your skills and weapons like a champ, and bust-out hilarious one-liners delivered with surgeon-like precision.
I hope that you enjoyed our time together and that Shadow Warrior 3 tickled your fancy. Shadow Warrior 3 is coming to Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, and before we release it, we’ll be showing you a lot more of it, so stay tuned here to Xbox Wire!